Final words

Fleeting glimpses of deleting bluesky posts.
Hello, my name is phil, they/them. (this is the main branch)
Fleeting glimpses of deleting bluesky posts.
A legacy project carried on with my siblings for Peter Schleihauf after his passing on February 26 of 2023.
A slit-scan instant camera. One vertical column of pixels from a small camera module is sent continuously to a thermal receipt printer.
Artist-run introductory workshops on computers and electronics, taught gently, with a focus on creativity ✨
Thought Process is a multi-part piece using computation as a metaphor for human thought: bare computers work through events from my past, and the processing is made visible as the exposed electronics are touched.
Have You Ever Heard The Sound Of An Iceburg Melting?
A twitter bot that cross-references words published in the New York Times for the first time (via @NYT_first_said) with the Ngram dataset from Google, reporting how many books have already published text containing that word.
Save notes by emailing them to – no account required. Notes are organized by author (the email sender) and topic (the subject line). Access to notes is via a special link that is sent as a reply to the author.
Through a combination of scripting and manual clean-up, the text, formatting, and metadata was recovered from all 388 pages of the TRC's Executive Summary (2015). It is hosted online at, with an interface for linking directly to any block of text, sharing passages via social media, and integration with videos from #ReadTheTRCReport, a collection recordings of people reading the entire report.
Like, this domain can be used in illustrative examples in documents.
Diving into free-form wire experiments with textiles and objects to take care of in mind.
A motion-controlled audio switch for Cheryl l'Hirondelle's installation at the Art Gallery of Alberta.
“The idea is to build a first prototype during these 4 weeks, which will consist of putting together a projector and a sewing machine.”
Another 16mm projector mod!
16mm analog film is illuminated with candlelight that is focused with hand-held pieces of glass.
I attended the School For Poetic Computation in NYC.
Critique and reflection on John Whitney's use of military equipment to make art.
A library to smash lots of states against components to find more bugs!
You got me ♫ distracted
An under-appreciated boolean operator
Discoveries from an exploration of declarative user interfaces for the web in javascript
A personal blogging service powered by git commit messages
Colour cinematography and sound for a film by Matthieu Hallé
Python Radiative Transfer Modelling wrappers and their associated programs, originally developed for the Queen's Applied Sustainability Research Group.